From issue 1:
1. "Take a shut-up pill." -Ariana (Olly)
2."He can't blow two hoots on that thing."- Chad
3. "I used to have this tall man. I'd ride down the steps on him."-Ariana
4."Did you fall into his arms continually or was it a one-time thing?"-Emily
5. "I used to carry my cats around in pillowcases. I think that's why they don't like me." -D.J.
6. "We're not going to use you for fondue." -Unknown, possibly Emily
7. "Libraries are not for kissing in." -Ariana
8. "Lots of people can tell us apart -- but not many." -Brenna
9. "Hear that sound? That's the sound of smart people thinking." -Brenna
10."It's just plain water till you pee in it."-Emily
11. "There's nothing to do when you're trapped in a vacancy." -John Bender
12. "If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun." -Katharine Hepburn
13. "One of the main purposes of blood is to make sure you don't bleed to death." -Mr. Wanvig, science teacher
14. "I don't think we can see our noses in front of our legs." -Ema
15. "Nobody heard a word he said. We were all watching his pants." -Guest speaker in English
16. "Light a match! Tom Waits is on!" -Carissa
17. "If hair was poisonous it wouldn't be on your head." -Emily
18. "You give it to your rabbit. (scarlet fever) -Ariana
19. "Hug a tree today, it will make you feel better tomorrow." -Emily
20. "I'm playing pocket pool." -Mark Ackman
21. "Look! The wise man has something up his butt!" -Amy
22. "I'm going to throw Corn Pops at my friends."-Ema
23. "That's because I've got too big of eyeball!" -Emily
24. "I'm sorry, I say as I walk out the door." -Emma
25. "Too much head isn't good."-Shamus
26. "Look how tall I am. I took Tall-Watchers." -Brenna
27. "Everybody's life has static." -Heathers (J.D.)
28. "Gene made the horse looking up the angel's dress." -Amy
29. "I've gotta eat money!" -Ariana
30. "We should just put morality aside and do what's right for once."-Unknown, from TV or a movie
31. "Shh-- don't look at the teddy bear." -Ema
32. "Go like this with your lips.... are they numb or alive?" -Emily
33. "You guys sober up for the picture." -Nita
34. "The balls are lopsided!" -Emily
35. Emily: "I need oxygen." Brenna: "Breathe then."
36. Emily:"I thought he left you." Carissa: "He did leave me but he came back."
37. "He made my ass laugh." -Tim
38. "Any kind of Pebbles is good." -Ian
39. "Your mind plays tricks on you -- you play tricks back." -Pee-Wee Herman
40. "We're just two lost soul swimmin' in a fishbowl... year after year." -Pink Floyd
41. "I thought. And I said words too." -Ariana
42. "Kelli's acid level is so high she could melt a brick wall." -Nick
43. "I'm not a teacher. I'm the Incredible Hulk." -Mr. Levin, math teacher
44. "There will always be boundaries, uh-huh!" -Mr. Hayden, math teacher
45. "Fissy awww gone!" -Unknown, probably Emily
46. "Why do they want to put germs in the milk?" -Ariana
47. "Duh! Stalagmites!" -Ariana
48. "My dad's a carpenter. I've got wood in my genes." -Chad
49. "Do you eat?" -written on a bus shelter
50. "I didn't hear what you said until I was walking away." -Ariana
51. "So at the end do you guys go around and count who has the most nards?" -Shirley
52. "I've been possessed most of the's pretty cool."-Ariana
53. "How come I don't have any quotes in here?" -Erik
Issue 2
54. "If you were me, you'd understand why I don't understand." -Brenna
55. "My conscience mumbles a lot." -Olly
56. "I can see your brain working right now. It's brown." -Brenna
57. "There's a difference between lying and not telling the truth." -Olly
58. "Feel... the bajiggies." -Brenna
59. "It's like a big bathtub and you can't get out." -Brenna
60. "Perfect is when Barbie doesn't have any split ends." -Olly
61. "It's not purple -- it's lavender!" -The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
62. Ariana: "I just can't let my life end like this!" Michelle: "But you've got to!"
63. "There's no fuckin' reason I should settle for anything less than everything I want." -Sean
64. "Courtney Love got plastic surgery to look ugly." -Nick
65. "I'm going to be going down between your legs now." -Guy
66. "The Cable Guy? It was horrible! I saw it twice!" -Carissa
67. "You're a boob-nut. The 'boob' stands for boob." -Emily
68. "It smells good! Like a porta-potty!" -Brenna
69. "I have a funny bone in my finger. If you want you can feel it later." -Emily
70. "But I was so much older then; I'm younger than that now." -Bob Dylan
71. "Special favors come in 31 flavors; we're out of mints, pass the Life Savers. I'm dropping hints; candy for candy-coated tongue." -The Violent Femmes
72. "Why couldn't the little mermaid just get around in a wheelchair?" -Ivy
73. Emily:"I'm going to be a slutty girl." Ariana: "It'd be kind of hard for you to be a slutty boy!"
74. Ivy:"What is a soul exactly?" Liz:"It's something inside you that makes you poop."
75. "My dog has the best posture on the block." -Liz
76. "Who are you talking to? The pigeons?" -Brenna and Liz
77. Liz:"So are you and Clayton tight?" Tom:"Like frog pussy."
78. "If I was short, I'd just walk around giving people snakebites all day." -Tom
79. "You just slapped her right in her uterus." -Tom
80. "Just because it spills out of your evil head doesn't mean it's a quote." -Nick
81. "The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there." -Written on a 5-dollar bill
82. "Ladies do not start fights -- but they can finish them." -The Aristocats
83. "I'm all nipply!" -Guy
84. "It said 'hash' on the menu." -Ariana
85. "I'll do you both at the same time." -Guy
86. "Some are just so hard-- and some are SO HARD!" -Emily
87. "You know how you flirt in 7th grade -- you throw snowballs at them and hit them and be really mean to them." -Kelli
88. "Feels good all over more than anywhere else." -Banjo player
89. "Yeah, she's a big piece of lard." -Carissa
90. "Oh, Carissa. Look at this big banana." -Brenna
91. "What was I going to think, man? I had an idea!" -Brenna
92. Olly:"I'm not wearing any socks today." Emily:"Me neither! Let's go in the bathroom and have an orgy!"
93. "I have two cats and a dog. That's 12 feet right there." -Ms. Spano
94. "A dog could have an orgy all by itself!" -Ariana
95. "I don't see what's so magic about the center -- it's making my tongue hurt." -Emily
96. "You could have said something really cool, but nooo! 'He poops at the table.' " -Emily
97. "If she ate shit, she still wouldn't be vegan because it's an animal product." -Brenna
98. "It's like smoking a menthol that tastes like a porta-potty." -Brenna
99. "How am I supposed to know? I'm not the worm!" -Brenna
100. "I'm Hansel! I'm Hansel! I'm Hansel!"-Brenna
Issue 3
101. "The only hunting I do is with my car." -Sean
102. "I like sleeping in the pig pen. I like eating off dirty plates." -Ariana
103. "Let's go dig up some nightcrawlers and mudwrestle!" -Brenna
104. "My parents used to live in Houston. They used to tell me stories about foot-long cockroaches flying across the living room." -Lix
105. "You've got my thumbs of approval." -Liz
106. "Sounds like pluckin' a chicken." -Chad
107. "Will you trade a quarter for a nickel?" -Larry Paul
108. "Coincidences seem to happen all at once, don't they?" -Olly
109. "If I was E.T., I wouldn't want to ride a horse." -Ariana
110. "You can jump out of a pink closet and have your picture taken with the hedgehog -- or whatever the hell the state bird is." -Brenna
111. "Whenever somebody does this, it reminds me of my hot dog." -Ivy
112. "Hey Clayton -- you know your ass?" -Nick
113. "Come on, bikini-butt! Do what you do!" -Ivy
114. "You can tell what kind of person someone is by how eager they are to do the Macarena." -Radio DJ
115. Ari:"Why has my pillowcase a big rip in it?" Liz: "Because your head is so sharp."
116."There's a rat in the hallway! A rat as big as a mouse!" -Ingrid
117. "I'm wearin' my Unabomber glasses." -Guitar player
118. "Your breath smells like something's burning." -Olly
119. "Is that really his butt?" -Liz
120. "Get thee to a monkery." -Brenna
121. "Jesus could fry your poop." -Misinterpreted message from playing "telephone".
122. "I'm walking in your footprints faster than you are." -Emily
123. Ari:"Remember when I snapped my finger in the mousetrap?" Mom:"Yeah, that was so cute!"
124. "And could I take you out? I'd be yours without a doubt...on that Big Dipper." -Cracker
125. "It's suicide in installments." -Rebecca
126. "You're not going to be alive when you're 80." -Liz
127. "You've just got to get up and go, that's all." -Aunt Kathryn
128. "At least your mom dances -- mine just calls me up and bitches at me." -Joe
129. "Hey Sean -- I'll pop one of your ribs back into place if you pop one of my ribs back into place." -Ed
130. "Look at her hair! She's got whore hair!" -Ari
131. "You're not being paid to think, just do, damn it!" -Guy
132. "Be good for Santa, dammit!" -Brenna
Issue 4
133. "He couldn't figure out his own chicken." -Andy Richter
134. "I can hear my brain rotting right now!" -Brenna
135. "She has scoliosis all over her face." -Liz
136. "Don't write on the sidewalk with your hamburger!" -Erik
137. "I know a good way to make yourself drool." -Brenna
138. Ivy: "I want to dissect you." Brenna: "Go ahead, I don't have anything to live for."
139. "Who cares what psychiatrists write on walls?" -Brad Pitt in "12 Monkeys"
140. "I wanna be bloodsisters with my cat." -Brenna
141. "Smells like Chewbacca." -Liz
142. "Lick my business." -Tom
143. "It's not B.S., it's B.T.! Bull true!" -Brenna
144. "None of your Bill'sness." -Bill
145. "You have to do something weird with your gizzard." -Brenna
146. "It's Darth Vader's nerdy nephew!" -Sean
147. "Grow up, Heather. Bulimia is so '87." -Heathers
148. "Patience is a waste of time." -John
149. "A ninja turtle is realistic. A centaur is not." -Nick
150. "What good is being sober?" -Niku
151. "Did you hear what Brenna and I did with our gummibears? We bit the heads off and switched bodies." -Liz
152. "If she was standing here right now, I'd pour a gallon of gasoline on her and light her on fire." -Man on motorcycle
153. "It's exactly what you said, except different." -Brenna
154. "Losters finders, losers keepers! Losters finders, losers criers! Boo hoo!" -Brenna
155. "I wanna get this to suck you!" -Brenna
156. "Mary's little lambs are now raised by wolves..." -Leah Andrioni
157. Brenna: "I only want orange ones! I don't want any pink things! I don't want any purple chickens!" Ariana: "Purple chickens?!?"
158. "Liz finally gets to fuck the ladybug." -Brenna
159. "She's a Scooby-Doo Kate Moss! The kind with a mask!" -Liz
160. "And the birdies said, 'We are dominant Hitler birdies'." -Brenna
161. "This is like french-kissing a cat." -Brenna
162. "Noodles are very sexual creatures." -Brenna
163. "When a lady says no, she means GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DICK!" -To Wong Foo
164. "We should take that lizard to Dr. Kevorkian." -Brenna
165. "If anyone sees us, we'll moon 'em and say it was a sorority prank." -Liz
166. Brenna: "I have a fat lip." Ariana: "Why do you have a fat lip?" Brenna: " 'Cause I ate too much."
167. "I'm on the 'C' honor roll." -Brenna
168. "Her foot's asleep; she's going to go take some pills." -John
169. "I could be a sex goddess... except for my big scar." -Brenna
170. "Sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good." -Threesome
171. "Gee, it's getting cold out! I'm going to have to start wearing my padded bra!" -Student on Bus
172. "I thought 'wack' meant bad." -Erik
173. "The world is a really sucky great place." -Sean
Issue 5
174. "I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Someone please tell me it's not a train." -Cracker
175. "It's a Fig-Newton of your imagination." -Brenna
176. "Why did the chicken cross the road? Because... he wanted to." -Girl on bus
176.5 "Let's dance to the sound of airplanes." -Brenna
177. "There's a lot of people who will try to put a sour taste in your mouth. And you can just open your window and spit it right back out at them." -Bus driver
178. Liz: I feel your pain. Ari: I don't have any pain. Liz: Then that's MY pain I feel.
179. "Fluorescent yellow is really pretty." -Brenna at age 7
180. "I feel like Helen Keller, except I'm not blind and I'm not deaf." -Elli
181. "Judging on the basis of my grades, smoking weed sounds like it's right up my alley." -Ivy
182. "Take your shirt off -- I want to see!" -Customer to bagger
183. "My tongue tastes like dead meat." -Brenna
184. Brenna: You know the space between the floor and the ceiling? Liz: You mean a room?
185. Ari: You smell like cigarettes. Liz: No, that's your shampoo.
186. "In 4th grade Vanessa Wade got in trouble for drawing a picture of a naked bear." -Liz
187. Ariana: I thought Mom and Brenna went to pick you up. Wait, no, they went to pick up the pizza. Pizza, you, what's the difference? Ivy: Are you saying I'm cheesy? Ariana: No, you're saucy. No, you're beefy. Ivy: Well, you're chunky! Ariana: Well, you're crusty! Ivy: Well, you're greasy!
188. "I called Jackie a stupid bitch and she took it all seriously." -Liz
189. At Scream 2: "I'm not even scared about the movie. I'm scared there's going to be a preview for Spice Girls." -Liz
190. "I'll lie down, and you can use my head for a pillow." -Brenna
191. "Now that I'm crying, I should ask for money." -Brenna
192. "Carmel (the cat) does less around here than I do. And she gets a bigger allowance too." -Brenna
193. "Go get your brain and show it to Ariana." -Mom
194. "What if your cat got rabies and started attacking you while you were peeing? Then what would you do?" -Liz
195. "I feel like a sick rock star." -Brenna
196. "The brain looks like a really cool piece of pasta." -Sean
197. "If I had a turkey for every time you quoted me, I'd eat free twice a year." -Sean
Issue 6
198. "You potty-dance choreographer!" -Brenna
199. "You were quite right in giving me the wrong answers." -Math teacher
200. "I can't wait to stay young." -Brenna
201. "I don't think you can recycle boogers." -Brenna
202. Liz: Your hair looks so pretty, Ariana. Ariana: Thanks, I brushed it.
203. "The majority of exposed penises in major [art] museums belong to the baby Jesus." -The Guerrilla Girls
204. "Well, Jesus Mitchell Abe!" -Brenna
205. Ivy: Ari, would you get me some grub? Ari: We don't have any. Would you settle for a mealworm?
206. "We're not that inbred." -Ariana
207. "I dance like a woman... if she were a man." -Space Ghost
Liz: You pig udder! Brenna: Pigs don't have udders. They have boobs, like cats.
208. Ari: Which do you hate more, clowns or mimes? Ivy: Hmmm....
209. "Maybe I'll let myself go and get real fat, and then I'll have boobies to play with too." -Erik
210. "When I went to day camp, we'd spend all day looking for things owls threw up." -Michael Feldman
211. "It smells like babies down here." -Brenna
212. Brenna: You should chew your food first. Ariana: Before doing what? Brenna: Putting it in your mouth.
213. "You gotta keep your eye on the donut, and not on the hole." -Harvey Keitel
214. "I laugh like a lady." -Brenna
Issue 7
215. Ari: Let's get a coloring book of Tarzan! Brenna: You just want to color his loincloth!
216. "I was like the softest bath toy you could ever want." -Brenna
217. "How many pounds of food do you think you've wasted in your life, including puke?" -Brenna
218. "I'll thank myself for doing this when I'm older." -Ivy
219. "I was talking to myself, so butt out." -Brenna
220. "I wish there were some corners on this stupid circle." -Ivy
221. "Is teen angst getting you down, Liz?" -Brenna
222. "A pickle a day keeps the babies away." -Brenna
223. "Just because I'm a vegetarian doesn't mean I have to eat vegetables." - Ariana
224. "I ate my salad. I should get a medal." - Ariana
225. I'm in shock that somebody would not be nice." - Nick
226. "Floss is awfully expensive for something people don't use." - Customer at Byerly's
227. "It's your parents' fault. They toilet-trained you too early." -Margaret
228. "Well, I'm 22 and she's 23, but apparently that doesn't matter, because when you add us together, we're 5." -Michelle
229. "My name is Mr. Toilet. Clean me and I won't tell anyone what I saw." - written on a bathroom wall
230. "I hate my school picture! I look like a monster!" -Ivy
231. Ari: You're a funny specimen, Liz.
Liz: Thanks!
232. "Damn it, my butt is tight!" -Ivy
233. "They played a waltz. But it wasn't a pretty waltz. It was a stupid waltz." -Old people at Byerly's, discussing a concert
234. Erik: What's her problem?
Ari: She's a bitch!
Erik: A common ailment.
235. "If you can lasso me with your pants, then you'll be a good stripper." -Ivy
236. "You'd make kind of a horseshit Catholic." -My dad, to my mom
237. "I would never french-kiss your cat -- even if she begged me." -Brenna
238. Ari: Wake up and smell the bacon!
Ivy: Yum!
239. "We need a dumbwaiter that would deliver Cadbury eggs." -Ivy
240. "I like your menu better than mine." -Erik
241. "Wanna hear a really gross simile?" - Ivy
242. "Guess what I'm dissecting on Monday?" -Ivy
243. "Frosting... mmm. Mike naked... mmm." -Katie
244. "It's better to stumble home drunk than to stumble home dead." - Akasha
245. "Don't you know there ain't no devil? That's just God when he's drunk." - Tom Waits
246. "My pumpkin's ugly and warty and that's why I like it." - Brenna
247. "I'm bitter... I'm like eating straight baking soda right now. I'm like sucking on an aspirin." -Brenna
248. "Well aren't you little miss "seize-the-day"!" -Ivy
249. " I wish I had a blow-hole so I could make whale sounds." -Ivy
250. "I'm Pippi Longstocking, but you can call me "Long" for short." - Brenna
251. "I'm caviar poop." -Ivy
252. Ari: So how's your Spanish class going?
Mom: Well... I'm the dunce.
253. "I hate drinking orange juice with pulp. It's like drinking paper pulp... (thoughtfully)... although I do eat paper." -Ivy
254. "One weekend I trashed the house just doing homework." -Brenna
255. "This guy was nuts! He was letting everything suck his blood!" - Erik
256. Ivy: But if we paint the house brown, won't it be hotter?
Mom: It'll be browner.
257. "I wish I had a gap [in my teeth] like Tom Sawyer, so I could spit on people." -Liz
258. "He hates everyone! Why would he want to give his love and support?" -Liz
259. "I'd be a lot happier if I were just a little more gay." -Ariana
Issue 8
260. "I love how we don't think of making cookies as making cookies. We think of it as a meal." -Ivy
261. "Never kiss a cat when you're wearing Chapstick." -Ivy
262. "Merrill and I were gargling last night, and I spit all over myself." -Ivy
263. To Ivy: "You've eaten nothing but refined sugar ever since Mom and Papa went out of town." - Ariana
264. "I hate to be such a stupid pain in the ass all the time, but that's just the way I am." - Brenna
265. "Listen! Do you smell something?" -Ghostbusters
266. Ivy: My hair smells like...
Ari: Farts?
Ivy: Pert Plus.
Ari: Eww.
267. "Wanna come over and play solitaire with me?" -Ivy
268. "She needs to spend some quality time with her sister -- playing Nintendo and swearing at each other." -Ivy
269. " 'Calvin and Hobbes' is better than candy." -Ivy
270. "Like I was saying, Hannah, old people get abducted by aliens and then nobody believes them." -Kid at bus stop
271. "I like to walk down interesting cul-de-sacs in my conversations." - Conan O-Brien
272. "I can count on one hand the number of people who have heard me fart since I was five." - Ariana
273. Pedestrian #1 in NYC: If we get kidnapped, it's your fault.
Pedestrian #2: Fine.
Pedestrian #3: Who wants to kidnap five ugly kids anyway?
274. "I grew up on the smell of fresh lumber." -Laura
275. "If it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done -- that's what tomorrow's for." -John
276. "Jesus was a real thin guy." - Written in steam on a bus window
277. "Oops! I said the lord's name in a silly context." -Brenna
278. "You're the one who's in college, dumb-dumb." - Brenna
279. "They have a lot of money -- but they're nice people anyway." -Mom
280. "Believe you can, believe you can't, either way, you're right." -Henry Ford
281. "I've changed pants in the car while driving." - Michelle
Issue 9
282. "Have you been half asleep, and have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name." -Kermit the Frog, "Rainbow Connection"
283. "Life is hell, with prizes." -Janet Frame
284. "Don't bite a gift horse in the mouth." -Ivy
285. "I don't want to be around that little girl when she finds out dogs don't have really big bellybuttons." - passerby at a memorial (thanks, Akasha)
286. Phlox: There's not much you can say about a coconut pie, except... the texture reminds me of something I'm not going to say.
Corina: Is it squishy?
Phlox: Yeah.
-Sugar Needle Zine
287. "Just think of a french fry as an extension of your finger, except you can eat it." -Michelle
288. "If you listen closely, you can hear the air escaping from my head." - Brian
289. "I'm way more addicted to pajamas than I am to cheesecake." - Ariana
290. "They're party poopers of biblical proportions." - Laura
291. "Look, I got a new shirt. Isn't it boring?" -Ivy
292. Ari: Do you have something I can read while you're taking your 45-minute shower?
Ivy: J. Crew catalog, Leaves of Grass, and The Inferno.
Ari: J. Crew catalog.
293. "I love my little bamboo plant. I can feel my feng shui coming through already. Well, maybe that's not my feng shui coming through. I think my fly is open." -Michelle
294. "Mommy, if you don't come here right now, I'm not going to marry you." - little boy at Target
295. "We get all our carbohydrates from beer." - Papa
296. "I didn't like orgies. I'm not good at multitasking." - Grace Slick
297. "How many necks can Ivy have?" - Ivy
298. "I swear, that kid is Canadian." - Student on bus
299. "All chocolate's good -- let's face it." -The Naked Chef
300. "One of these days I'm going to take you in back and tickle you to death." -Jan
Issue 11
301. "This is between you and your tail, Buster. Don't take it out on us." -Ariana
302. "That's exactly why I don't have a nine-to-five job -- because I like tube tops." -Ivy
303. "Speaking of stuff..." -Mom
304. "In dreams, we enter a world all our own. Let him swim in the deepest ocean, and sail above the highest cloud." -Albus Dumbledore
305. "This camera is so self-involved." -Ivy
306. "What flies and hibernates?" - Ivy
307. "Everyone try to be solemn." - Brenna
308. "I'm putting my foot down... please?" - Erik
309. "Let's have a decent conversation now. Enough of this chit-chat." - Brenna
310. "I love winter! So many fun things to do! Like... going south." - Byerly's customer
311. "If one more UV ray touches my skin, I'm going to burst into flame." - Brenna
312. "I keep thinking my nipples are woodticks." - Rachel
313. Ari: If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Ivy: Well, in third grade, I'd have said vampire bat.
314. "Mom and Papa are drinking me under the table." -Brenna
315. "You could drink raw beef if you just ate it right off the pig." -Ivy
Issue 12
316. "Dude, you're living in an illusion if you think that." - Brenna
317. Ari: Are you making any resolutions this year, Ivy?
Ivy: Yes.
Ari: What?
Ivy: Not to swear at work.
318. "Maybe I'll just die young, of a frosting overdose." -Ivy
319. "I'm a dilly-dallier on the path of life." - Ariana
320. "You smell kind of like a ski lodge." -Ivy
321. "It's so pretty... it's like an apple." - Akasha
322. "I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune, but sometimes it's funny." - Ariana
323. "I'm on a strict milk diet." - Ivy
324. Ken: Who made Rice Krispie Bars?
Ari: I did... from scratch.
325. Brenna: We're not staying, are we?
Ivy: No, I'm just going in, hiccupping and leaving.
326. "You'd make a good sit-down comedian." - Matt
327. "I wish my bunny friend's head was still on." -Brenna
328. "You always have to be able to make at least one person laugh. And if that person is yourself, so be it." -Ivy
329. "Maya, you have that 'new puppy' smell." - Erik
330. "Why do they have the audio and video files on separate disks? We're not living in the freakin' stone age." - Ariana
331. "Jean and I got matching sports bras to help me exercise." -Ivy
332. "The suckers at Chapstick are going to rue the day they got me addicted to their crappy product." - Guy on bus
333. "Maybe if your mouth weren't open all the time, you wouldn't get dish soap in it." - Ivy
334. "Did you lose weight in your head?" -Kelly
335. "It's got kind of an earthy, sluggy taste." -Ivy
336. "Those dogs don't have the right of way!" - Brenna
337. "Let's fly in the face of reason and drink milk anyway." - Ariana
338. "I started hearing this blank sound." - Brenna
339. Kelly: You made an albino sock monkey?
Heidi: Hey, I only have white socks!
340. "I'm going to knit a new hat. The one I'm wearing now makes me look too much like a condom." -Claire, from Off-Line zine
341. Claire: There's breadsticks all over you!
Vincent: What?
Claire: Mmph. Breadsticks! It said so at the college.
- from Off-Line zine